Cristian G.

International Relations | Communications | Translation

Photo by Abdullah Ghatasheh on Pexels

My work


Research and Writing

Humanitarian Aid Rejection during Disasters: Understanding its Political Dynamics

Despite a common belief that humanitarian aid offers are always accepted, aid rejection is a recurrent phenomenon with potential negative implications for the victims of disasters. Given the expected increase in the number and intensity of these events, understanding aid rejection is more important than ever. This dissertation will try to understand why this phenomenon occurs, while closing a knowledge gap in the existing humanitarian aid literature. To serve this purpose, this work undertakes first a correlational study to test six hypothesis that aim to explore the relationship between aid rejection and several determining factors: recipient need, regime type, regime transition, time to elections, economic freedom, and relative power. Then, it undertakes a qualitative analysis to explore the extent to which IR approaches can explain aid rejection, and to show how culture and identity provides us with an alternative explanation to this issue. This study finds that, contrary to expectations, none of the variables studied correlate significantly with the behaviour of aid rejection, while it finds that culture and identity provide us with a valuable explanation.

La justicia internacional no convence a África

La Unión Africana ha mostrado su disconformidad, una vez más, con la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI), a la que acusa de dirigir investigaciones desproporcionadas y apuntando sólo a países del continente mientras que según apuntaron, los delitos cometidos por países que pertenecen a otras partes del mundo quedan impunes. En la última Cumbre llevada a cabo por la Unión, sus líderes expresaron “cansancio” respecto a una actitud que consideran injusta por parte de la Corte. Se trata de una estrategia que amenaza con la salida en bloque del Estatuto de Roma de
estos países y, por lo tanto, de la jurisdicción de la Corte.

¿De donde viene ésta animadversión hacía la institución?


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